Thursday, February 2, 2012


My heart is so filled with gratitude today that I could almost cry. I am so grateful for the friends I have that are serving the Lord as missionaries. I'm grateful for the personal growth I have seen in them, and for the love and support that they give me.
I'm grateful for the experience I had while living away from home, but I am (now) very grateful to be living back at home. I'm grateful to have the time to spend with my brother before he serve in Tallahassee for two years. I'm grateful to be able to watch my siblings learn and grow.
I'm grateful that I have a job that I Love going to, and provides for my needs. I'm grateful for the baby steps that Father led me through to get to this position.
I absolutely know that he's been mindful of my every need and has blessed me with exactly the amount I could handle.

I am so grateful for my Savior, His Atonement, and His Charity. I will devote my life to His work and His love.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why not?

I am really grateful for good friends that kick my butt until I get it in gear. I'm grateful for good books that teach me better ways of thinking. I'm grateful for the different skills that I've learned that have prepared me for the goals I'm undertaking now. I'm very grateful for my testimony of the restored gospel and the strength I'm gained from relying on it.
I'm grateful for trials. I'm not too thrilled when they come up, but I'm learning to adopt more of a 'why not?' attitude. Why not me that has bad luck? Why not me that has my difficulties? Father knew I could handle it and I will become stronger for it.
People accomplish amazing things all the time. Why not me? People overcome obstacles and conquer the impossible. Why not me?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lost and Found

I'm really grateful that I found my wallet today! I absolutely needed to have it by today, as I am substituting for a few college classes and needed my ID. It had been lost for about two weeks. After losing patience several times, I got on my knees this morning and humbly asked if I could please find my wallet. Two minutes later, I found it on the floor under my desk.

I'd looked there several times and I'm sure it wasn't there before. I feel so lucky to have my Heavenly Father looking out for me. I'm really grateful that he's always there when I need help, and even when I don't. My goal this month is to put him first and really show him my gratitude by choosing to serve him.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27.)

I'm so grateful to know that God doesn't want us to be afraid. He brings us hope and love and peace. I know that when I'm struggling the most I can turn my pain and mistakes over to my Savior and he will give me peace.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


I am so grateful for the love and generosity that I've felt this season. My family has been so blessed by multiple others. I've been completely stunned at how the Lord has looked after me personally. I've been tried and stretched in the past weeks and have come through it with a firm testimony of Father's guidance.

This upcoming year my resolution is to be the best instrument in the Lord's hands that I can be. I want to bless others' lives as much as I have been blessed!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I am grateful that I was able to breathe when I woke up this morning and that my brother was willing to wake up ridiculously early to help me with newspapers.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Relief is like a heart attack

I am So grateful I passed my test! I'm grateful for the guidance that Father has given me all throughout my education. He led me carefully and I learned to trust him to take me where I need to be. I'm grateful that I didn't get answers the way I wanted them.

After I found out I passed the NCETMB, I got horribly sick from all the stress I'd caused myself. I beat myself down and told myself I couldn't pass. I paid dearly for mistreating myself, but I'm still grateful for the lesson.

I am a daughter of God and he loves me and will help and guide me. Feelings of inadequacy and pain are not from Him, but from the deceiver. I'm grateful for the remind. I intend to remember this time!